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Letting Go of ED

Yesterday was my last session with my therapist since I am moving in a little over a week. It was a great time to reflect on the progress I have made and where I should go next.

Let's start with the positives!

This reflection was one of the first times where I felt like I have actually made a considerable amount of progress towards my recovery. Some areas I have noticed progress in:

  • Setting healthy boundaries

  • Realizing I am POWERFUL and using that power to change what I can

  • Realizing there are things that I can't control and are not in my power to change

  • Trying to live the mantra "Don't worry until I have to worry"

  • Being more comfortable being myself

  • Being able to eat a variety of foods and not always choosing the "healthy"option

  • Accepting the weight I am at

And all of that sounds absolutely wonderful. And is is SUCH a huge difference from where I was at 17 months ago. It makes me feel well on my way to recovery. But why do I still feel like I have an ED? Why do I not feel "recovered"?

Where do I go next?

Thinking about this made me realize there is still a pretty big part of ED that I have yet to let go of. I can now eat more variety and even accept the weight I am. But I am absolutely TERRIFIED of gaining any more weight. I do not want to gain an ounce. It scares me. And that in turn gives me guilt feeling when eating certain foods. Now granted I am much better about turning off these guilt feelings now, but they still pop up often and I know it is because I cannot let go of this fear of gaining weight. Which I need to do in order for myself to feel recovered, and because the reality is that I will not stay this weight for the rest of my life on Earth, ESPECIALLY because I one day want to start a family.

I have made great progress in the last 17 months, but I'm still not where I want to be. So I am practicing being ok with that. I also have no idea what to do to start letting go of this piece of ED that I still have, but I know one day I will have to. And it will hurt because it is a part of me. But it will hurt more holding onto it forever.

And lastly I wanted to leave you with a poem my therapist read me on my last day with her.

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